Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Roasted Indian Spiced Cauliflower

It's officially fall-cauliflower is coming into farmer's markets and grocery stores.  Cauliflower is a vitamin packed food which is great for healing! It's a cruciferous vegetable.  Other veggies in this group are: cabbage, broccoli, kale, and collard greens. This group of vegetables are linked to cancer fighting compounds and are suggested to be consumed 4-5 times a week. The anti-oxidants in cauliflower help aid in fighting all kinds of infection, while it's anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.  Eating anti-inflammatory foods are great for those with periodontal disease or other infections.

Nutritional Information for 1 cup of raw cauliflower:
Vitamin C-86% of your daily needs (DN)
Vitamin K-21% (an anti-inflammatory vitamin)
Folate-15% (linked to brain and nerologic function and formation for developing brains)
Protein: 2g
Calories: 27

Roasted Indian Spiced Cauliflower

1 head of cauliflower
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp tumeric
1/4 tsp cayenne
2 pinches of salt (about 1/4-1/2 tsp)
1 tbsp of oil (canola, olive, or coconut)\

Raw with spices

  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Wash and cut cauliflower into florets
  3. Mix above together in a large bowl
  4. Place on a roasting pan or cookie sheet
  5. Roast for about 15 minutes, stirring/flipping once 1/2 way through (once you begin to smell it, it's probably finished)
  6. Enjoy!
    Roasted Indian Spiced Cauliflower
**You can also saute this on the stove if you'd like to not cook as long (increased health benefits by less cooking)

Additional Health Benefits of this recipe:
Tumeric: Highly anti-inflammatory-used to decrease swelling topically or internally
Cayenne: Increases blood circulation and stimulates digestion

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