Monday, September 23, 2013

White Bean Dip

Interested in a dip with no added fat and full of protein?! This one is it! You can change the herbs based on the season.  We like making our own beans.  Super easy and much less expensive
White Beans/Cannellini Beans-must be soaked before cooking

How to make your own beans:
-soak any bean for 4-8 hours
-beans are best cooked in a pressure cooker if you have one (they're a great investment!).  It only takes 10 minutes to cook in a pressure cooker, vs 1 1/2 hours in a traditional pot.  They taste so much better than canned and are much less expensive.  They freeze really well too, so make extra and freeze the rest for days when you want chili, soup, beans and rice, or any other yummy bean dish!

3 c cooked white beans
1 or 3/4 lemon-entire lemon if using a Vitamix or zest and juice of lemon if using a food processor 
3 garlic cloves
1/2 c basil or fresh green herb of choice (like parsley)
2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil  (optional-not necessary)
Salt/pepper to taste

Put all of above in blender/food processor except oil

Drizzle in oil until desired consistency is reached
Season with salt & pepper
Serve with your favorite veggies, pita, or as a sandwich spread!
Nutritional Benefits:
White Beans: almost fat free, no cholesterol, packed with protein & fiber, high in potassium, calcium, & iron-this food packs a punch for healing those gums and muscles!
Lemon: Vitamin C
Garlic: anti-inflammatory, aids in blood circulation, andincreases immune health
Fresh herbs: calcium

In entire recipe:
calories: 600 calories (plus 240 cal if oil added)
fiber: 30g (wow!)
fat: 6g (plus 28g if 2 tbsp oil added)
Carbohydrates: 102 g
Protein: 36g
Iron: 60%
Calcium: 24%
Potassium: 1500 mg (wow!)

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