Friday, October 4, 2013

Making Beans

Making your own beans instead of using a can is easy, and tastes so much better! Follow these directions for most beans:

Nutritional Benefits of Beans:
1) High in Protein
2) Low in Fat
3) High in Fiber

1 cup of dried Black Beans=3 cups cooked
Nutritional Information of 1 cup of cooked Black Beans:
Calories: 227
Carbohydrates: 41g
Fiber: 15g
Protein: 15g
Fat: <1g
Iron: 20%

Place dry beans into a pan and cover with water.  Soak at least 4 hours-8 hours.
2) Drain and rinse beans
3) Place into a pot (preferable to use a pressure cooker, but regular pot is fine)
4) If using a pressure cooker: bring to a boil until pressure level pops, turn down, and cook for 11 minutes.  Turn off heat and wait until pressure goes down.
5) If using a traditional pot: bring to a boil, cover, and turn low for about 1-1/4 hours (until tender)
6) Drain beans
7) Beans can be stored frozen once cooked

Benefits of making your own beans:
  • no BPA from cans (all cans are lined with BPA, a chemical compound linked to cancer causing agents)
  • no added sodium
  • much less expensive
  • much better taste!
Try this recipe that will surprise everyone you know: Black Bean Brownies

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