Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pizza Dough


Making your own pizza is a much healthier and cost effective way than ordering out.  Made with whole wheat flour, this pizza dough is high in fiber and protein.  Serve it up with the toppings you love (make sure those are healthy too!) and have a great meal or appetizer.  You can even use it as a dessert base (see below for recipe suggestions).

Pizza Dough

Ingredients in Pizza Dough (makes enough for 2 pizzas):

  • 1 cup of wrist warm water
  • 1 1/2 tsp yeast
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 3/4 cups of whole wheat bread flour (you can choose to use 1/2 white flour, but this isn't as healthy of an option)
  • 3 tbsp vital wheat gluten (adds protein)
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • *optional fresh herbs of your choice (we added 1/2 cup of fresh basil)
*due to the whole wheat flour, this dough will be a little bit harder to work with than your typical store bought dough.  The crust formed will also be thinner, not as doughy (this is better for you though!)
Instructions for Making Dough:
  1. Sprinkle yeast onto warm water and let sit until begins to foam (about 3-5 minutes)
  2. Add olive oil to yeast mixture
  3. Place remaining ingredients into a food processor or mixer (we like making it in a food processor if adding fresh herbs)
  4. Pulse ingredients
  5. While processor or mixer is running, gradually pour in yeast mixture
  6. Place dough into a lightly oiled bowl and allow to rest for about 1 hour 

Best part it you can mk ahead of time and place into fridge or freezer! Just allow to come to room temp before using (if from freezer, tk out and let sit on counter all day for dinner that night)

Instructions for Making Pizza:
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  2. Separate above recipe into 2 balls
  3. Roll dough out onto a pizza stone (prefered) or a cookie sheet.  If using a cookie sheet, you may want to lightly oil the pan or sprinkle some corn meal to prevent sticking
  4. Place sauce and your ingredient toppings on top of dough
  5. Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until cheese browns
Ideas for Pizza Topping:
Vegetables (high in vitamins and fiber, essential for healing):
  • Mushrooms (high in protein)
  • Spinach, kale, or other greens (high in Calcium, great for strong bones & teeth)
  • Grilled/roasted eggplant
  • Olives
  • Peppers (high in vitamin C 1 cup=199% of daily needs-great for healing!)
  • Onions-carmelized red onions are yummy!
  • Tomatoes (high in Lycopene, an anti-inflammatory and immune boosting vitamin)
  • Fresh or dried herbs like basil, oregano, parsley
Sauces: pesto, tomato

Cheeses (high in protein for building and repairing tissues & high in calcium, for maintaining strong bones and teeth: 
  • low-fat mozzarella (lower in fat)
  • fresh mozzarella (high in fat, use in moderation)
  • goat cheese 
  • Parmesan (lowest fat and lactose)
Other ideas for using pizza dough:
  • Use as an appetizer: spread a little pesto or olive oil on dough, sprinkle with Parmesan, top with fresh tomatoes and basil
  • Use as a dessert: rub in coconut oil, drizzle honey or maple syrup (high in calcium!) over dough, sprinkle on cinnamon, and top with goat cheese.  This would also be awesome topped with apples!

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