Monday, October 28, 2013

Risotto With Lowfat Chicken Sausage

Who doesn't love a one pot dinner.  1 dish, all your veggies, protein, and side.  A nice option for making a healthier risotto.


  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 c chopped onion
  • 1 c arborio rice (risotto rice)
  • 1 c white wine
  • about 3 cups of broth or water
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 banana peppers or 1 green pepper if you want it mild
  • 1 c fresh greens
  • 1 c carrot, chopped
  • 1 c of fresh basil
  • 1 pound of chicken sausage
  1. Cook sausage on grill or stove top, set aside.  Cut into small rounds.
  2. Saute onion until caramelized/softened
  3. Add rice and saute with onion for 1-2 minutes
  4. Add in wine, and stir until absorbed
  5. Add in peppers
  6. Continue to add broth (warm) about 1 cup at a time, stirring until absorbed
  7. Add additional cups of broth (1 at a time) until rice is soft
  8. Stir in carrots, greens, basil, and garlic at end to maximize nutrients,cook until greens and basil wilt.  Stir in sausage.
  9. Serve
Nutritional Benefits:
  • Low in fat
  • High in calcium (greens and basil) for bone and teeth strength
  • High in fiber
  • Vitamim C (peppers): great for immune function and healing
  • Vitamin A (carrots): great for healing and bone/teeth health
*note: if you are diabetic, you can reduce the amount of rice/sub brown rice, to make the veggie and protein a larger component of this dish.  You can also omit the wine to decrease sugar amounts.

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