Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beets-how to enjoy them

Can’t Beat It!  Looking for a way to enjoy these amazing beauties in season right now?
Here is an easy way to do it!
How to prepare the greens:
  1. Cut off greens right after you pick them or purchase them.  The greens loose a lot of water through them, and are best used right away-or washed and kept in a storage container. DO NOT WASTE THESE! 
  2. Methods of preparation for greens:
  • chop and saute with a little water and add fresh herbs like basil or dill towards the end of cooking.  After the greens wilt, you can season with a little salt and pepper.  Greens also are great with a little acidity added at the end.  Great choices are: fresh lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or a white balsamic vinegar
  • Throw into a smoothie-raw
  • Chop and mix in with other greens to make a salad, or eat on their own in place of lettuce
How to prepare the beets:
  1. Roasting: chop off tops and roots and wash.  Place into foil, and drizzle with balsamic vinegar (or water if you don’t like vinegar).  Roast at 375 or 400 until a knife inserted goes in easy-you will smell them when they’re ready.  Let cool and rub skins off.  They will peal right off when complete.  You might want to wear gloves (I have looked like a murderer after peeling before!).
  2. Shredding raw: grate beets and carrots for a great salad.  Add some sunflower seeds for a added crunch and protein.  Drizzle with a little vinegar and add a little freshly ground pepper.
  3. Stovetop: peel beets and place into a pan.  Cover with balsamic vinegar and boil on stove until fork tender
Nutritional Information on Beets: High in calcium and iron-beets can be found locally almost year round (they’re super easy to grow also!). Calcium is needed for healing and building strong bones and teeth.  Iron aids in oxygen binding, and therefore helps with proper circulation which helps in healing.

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