Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Slammin' Salsa!

If you currently have an overabundance of tomatoes from the garden, the farmers market, or a CSA share-make SALSA!

 Salsa is high in nutrients and has zero fat! Great as a salad dressing, as a topping on fish, or to spice up your burritos, salsa is not just for chips!

Grab some of those in season green and banana peppers and get going! **Did you know green peppers are packed with Vitamin C, a vitamin that helps you heal?
**You Have To Peel Those Tomatoes:
The most annoying thing about making salsa is you have to peel those tomatoes.  To do so: 
  1. Bring a pot to a boil.  
  2. Mark the bottoms of each tomato with an X shaped slash (you can do this as you place them into the pot)
  3. Drop in tomatoes for about 2-3 minutes, or until you see skin just start to peel
  4. Take them out and place into a cold ice bath to stop cooking
  5. Peel skins off
-Alternative: you can freeze tomatoes with skin on.  When you are ready to use them, the skins will peel right off while slightly thawed

Ingredients (recipe is easily doubled or tripled depending on how many tomatoes you have!):
  • 10 cups (about 6 pounds) tomatoes (peeled)
  • 2 c of chopped banana peppers or hotter peppers depending on your taste (wear gloves)
  • 5 c of chopped green or assorted red and green peppers
  • 4 cups of onions (about 1.5 pounds)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 3/4-1c apple cider vinegar (depending on how juicy watery your tomatoes are-if they are very juicey like ours, reduce the amount of vinegar or your salsa will be too soupy)
  • optional: 1 tsp hot sauce
Directions (makes about 9 pints)
  1. Place all of the above ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil for about 10 minutes
  2. If canning: pour hot salsa into hot jars.  Place into a hot water bath for 15 minutes.
**recipe adapted from Ball canning recipe

*Use as a heart healthy topping for seafood or chicken

Nutritional Benefits:
Tomatoes: High in Lycopene, an anti-oxidant that prevents cancer
Peppers: High in Vitamin C, promotes healing and disease prevention (196% of daily needs!-1 cup has more than 2x's the amounts of an orange)
Garlic: Anti-inflammatory and aids in blood circulation/cardiovascular health
Apple Cider Vinegar: lowers blood sugar levels, can aid in heart health/blood circulation/lowering blood pressure

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