Saturday, September 21, 2013

Quinoa: How Do You Cook quinoa?

What's all the talk about quinoa?

Benefits of Quinoa:
Quinoa is an ancient "grain".  It's actually the seed of a plant-which is what makes it gluten free.  
Photo source: indianapublicmedia.orf

When cooked 1 cup provides the following:
  • 5 g fiber
  • 8 g protein
  • 4 g fat
  • 39 g carbohydrates
  • 222 calories (when cooked in water)

Uses: Quinoa can be used as a replacement for flours and other wheat products.  It can be ground into a flour or used whole like you would couscous, rice, or oatmeal.  
How do you cook it? It's very important to rinse your quinoa before cooking.  We like to soak ours for a few hours and then rinse it. This helps remove the seed coat and takes away the bitter taste quinoa can have without this process.  

Cooking Directions for 1 c dry quinoa: 
  • Soak quinoa for a few hours in water and then rinse well
  • Place into pan with 2 cups filtered water and bring to a boil
  • Cook for about 15 minutes until water has been absorbed
Below are 2 different varieties of quinoa-red and white.

Cooked Quinoa

Click here for a great recipe for a quinoa salad with Pistachios and Avocado

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